At Impactinglives School, we not only teach, but we are also committed to bringing out hidden potentials in your child. Mrs Blessing Igwechi who is the Executive Director is an Educationist, a Certified Behaviour Analyst and a psychologist who has over 10 years’ experience in helping children with learning challenges. Her well of experience is an added advantage to every child who may be struggling in one area or another in their life pursuit. At ILS we use the blended Curriculum of Nigeria British and the Montessori hands on approach for the preschoolers to unravel potential skills as critical thinking, empathy, independent academic work, innovative, creativity fluent public speaking, mathematics champions and Godly virtues in our kids.
Your child at ILS gets a lifelong Positive impact that puts the child on a vintage height to excel.
Impactinglives School, …making a lifelong impact for greatness!